Energetic Mouse Pads

Energetic Mouse Pads

With the color vibrations of healing energy with each original piece of art being enhanced through the process of quantum bioenergetics, each energetic “mouse pad” also contains the natural energetic frequencies embedded in the original art.

This allows you to experience the healing frequency vibrations of color on many levels of your personal consciousness.

These beautiful energetic pads can also be used to place you favorite morning drink, a special candle, crystals or gemstones, car keys, jewelry etc. to absorb the healing vibrational frequencies embedded in the image!

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Angel Love - Mouse Pad


Suddenly you feel yourself surrounded in this massive angelic light of healing love and oneness!

Absorb this energy into your being, and freely release it to benefit the highest good of both yourself and others!

Size:  7 5/8” x 9 1/8”

Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Healing Circle - Mouse Pad

This sacred "Healing Circle" of energy is continuously in motion with positive and pure color vibration! Focus on the center of this beautiful piece and notice how quickly the energy brings you to a total state of peace and calm. Your energetic self will LOVE ❤️ owning this pad!

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Infinite Love - Mouse Pad

Your Divine connection to God and everyone who loves you is forever present in your heart! These three words, I LOVE YOU, are so very powerful! FEEL your heart warm and tingle with the shimmering beauty of "Infinite Love"and the healing energy it provides!

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Life Force - Mouse Pad

Let this powerful image, Life Force, help you open your heart chakra energy to connect with the pure energy of your Divine Source. Ask your question, and then open your third eye chakra to receive your answer! Your Divine Source ALWAYS provides what is best for you! Enjoy this visual meditation and the healing power of energetic color vibration.

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Mother Earth - Mouse Pad

Take the pure Divine energy of the Trinity it and when combined, she becomes the powerful and beautiful energy of the Mother Earth!

She is abundance and fertility. and is the beginning, the nourisher, and the protectress of life. She contains and provides all the minerals and nutrients that are necessary for human, animal, and plant life to begin, grow, and mature.

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Prosperity - Mouse Pad

Bursting with energetic color, use this beautiful art to help you visualize what you could bring into your world that can make your life richer! Is it money, new relationships, a more fulfilling job, etc.?

You choose, as this is your personal journey to enjoy!

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Priestesses of Mother Earth - Mouse Pad

Your "Priestess" energy exists because of your spiritual connection to your Divine Feminine Source and the inner calm you feel and experience when you consciously connect to this pure love and healing energy.

As you experience the vibrational effects of this beautiful piece, feel how you are being grounded by the energy of "Mother Earth"!

Move your steps forward as you strengthen the inner wisdom and insights you need to enjoy each day of the special path life brings.

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Rebirth - Mouse Pad

Within the cycle of spiritual growth, we each will experience a symbolic "death" as we release lessons learned that no longer benefit us.
And then the magic happens as we are "reborn" with a deeper understanding and wisdom of what life means to us!

Embrace the energy of this natural and profound reconnection with Earth, our mother and our Creator.


Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Rhythm of Your Energy - Mouse Pad

Just imagine if you could put on a pair of "energy glasses" and view the rhythm and flow of energy throughout your energetic self! Allow this beautiful mouse pad to help you visualize moving the positive vibrational colors of healing energy throughout your entire being...so very joyful and calming!

Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Unconditional Love - Mouse Pad

There are times when we experience deep emotional feelings from our connection to a loved one.

"Unconditional Love" can help serve as a reminder to us that the healing energy of LOVE is more powerful than any other human emotion!


Size: 7 5/8” x 9 1/8”
Durable fabric top with 3/16” rubber backing


Right of Passage Mouse Pad

Open yourself to your inner intuitive self by focusing at the center of this beautiful energy.  

Ask for guidance with a situation you are experiencing, and follow this guidance with the healing energy of positive thoughts, words, and actions.

 Know when you have mastered your experience and release it.  

Express gratitude and create you special Dance of Joy as you celebrate your "right of passage"!  

Repeat when needed!

Size: 7 5/8" x 9 1/8"

Durable fabric top with 3/16" rubber backing


Seven Faces of Buddha Mouse Pad

The energetic presence in this beautiful art captures the embodiment of Buddha and his everlasting teachings throughout many centuries the Buddhist reincarnation!

Feel these healing energies and let them speak to you!

Size: 7 5/8" x 9 1/8"

Durable fabric top with 3/16" rubber backing


See Me! Feel Me! Heal Me! Mouse Pad

This beautiful energy is showering you with pure Divine love!

ALL of your personal chakra energetic centers can be positively affected whenever you take time to see, feel and allow this energy to provide you healing balance and calm throughout your entire being!

 Size: 7 5/8" x 9 1/8"

Durable fabric top with 3/16" rubber backing


Joyful Motion Mouse Pad

This beautiful energy can serve as a gentle reminder about the importance of creating positive moments throughout the day enhance your energetic balance.

Move with your energy and be joyful!

Size: 7 5/8" x 9 1/8"

Durable fabric top with 3/16" rubber backing
